Thursday, 1 December 2016


Forget religion for a while, leaving your devout intolerance at the back of your mind for just a moment. Hear me talk about God! There could be a possibility that there does exist a higher power that rules the cosmos unnoticed and unseen. Let us say this higher power is a “someone”. Now, this “someone” inhabits a region that is beyond our universe and from the depth of that region, it decides to create a space in the void beyond its own place of inhabitancy. The “someone” of my imagination then considers setting up the foundation of this new space it wishes to create on some rules and laws. It says to itself, “Ah, I shall now create a world of my own and fill it with my colours and paint it with my brush. I shall dance in the void as a governing power and as I move in that emptiness, I shall bring into existence things that will live, grow and multiply and I shall, in my merry dance, create visions of wonder and awe for the living things to see and cherish and explore.” And then that “someone” rushes into the void as an energy that creates. As it dances in the void, it lays down the foundation of our cosmos, giving each particle of its creation a governing factor, a law by which that atom would survive and play its part in the universe.

Then this power brings forth worlds with those atoms: galaxies, stars, suns, moons, planets, everything! To one of its planets, the creating energy gives the gift of “life”. It sows the seeds of living things on the face of that planet and commands them to grow and multiply. Then it creates man and woman and for them he leaves behind all the wonders it has so far created. The man and the woman are life forms of that energy that are supposed to walk on the face of the life- sustaining planet called “Earth” and explore the rules on which the higher energy created this world and everything within and around it.

So what if, in a way, all that we know as scientific rules and justifications of things that occur in our day to day life are laws set up by a higher power to govern our worlds?We, the human race, have been so gifted by intelligence that we are entitled to learn and explore all possible governing factors that circulate in our cosmos. And when we did have a considerable amount of discoveries of these laws, we compiled them into something called “Science”. What if the point of our life is to discover as many laws as possible to fill up that compilation called “Science” so that it matches just right with the rulebook that the higher energy authored to create our worlds?

Therefore, in the universe of my imagination that hilariously resolves the conflict between God and Science, there exist just two scriptures: one of these is what we are writing everyday with ground-breaking discoveries of laws that explain natural phenomena. This scripture is still incomplete. What with all those things that yet remain to be accounted for? We, the humans, call this scripture “Science”.

The other one is a complete rulebook in the hands of an eccentric old man who is waiting for us humans just around one of the corners of this universe, so that one day when we feel that there is nothing left to discover, that we cannot add another leaf to our “Science” scripture, this bizarre old loon (who is actually a genius beyond compare) will hop up before us with a flourish and say “Ta da! You made it!” That fateful day, maybe we’ll sit down with this old man and have a hilarious dialogue on his laws that created the universe. He’ll just sit there and smile with a twinkle in his eye. We, on the other hand, will go on confidently ranting about how we deciphered each one of his mysterious rules. And when we’re done, we’ll lie back smugly and say, “So, we eventually saw what you did there, old guy”. And then, out of sheer respect for the eccentric old loon before us, we’ll exclaim, “You’re one hell of a genius…God!”

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