Dear reader,
I know not who you are, but if you are a woman, I want you to consider this as a council of war.
If you are a man, I want you to accept this as an invitation in which you have two choices: be an ally or face our rage.
Generalising things, if you are any person in this great nation who looks down upon women, treats them as objects that provide only sexual pleasures, or, to put it simply, if you are a misogynist or a pervert, consider this as a challenge from someone who is done with merely laughing off at your perverted minds and has decided to wage a war against you.
I won't cite statistics or quote headlines that every hour scream of rape and molestation. I believe your familiarity with such things will suffice for the cause. I will simply put our weapons forward. But before that I must disclose to you that this war begins with the annihilation of smaller units of a much larger army.
To make it simpler for you: Section 354A of the Indian Penal Code states this:
A man committing any of the following acts—
i. physical contact and advances involving unwelcome and explicit sexual overtures; or
ii. a demand or request for sexual favours; or
iii. showing pornography against the will of a woman; or
iv. making sexually coloured remarks,
Now, I ask you this: how many times have you been in a condition when a sexual predator has engaged in unwanted and unwelcome physical contact with you, but all you have done is scream, "Tameez se nahi khadey ho sakte?" A few brave ones actually dare to implement violence, but when I say war, I mean that your responses must be followed with the evocation of the law. The offender does not deserve to get away after a mere hurling of words and slaps. The law is obliged to make its strike.
I also ask you this: how many times have you come across messages on your online messengers that are directed towards you as requests and demands for sexual pleasures? And how many times have you actually done something about it besides laughing it off as you make your best friends read your "other messages" section?
How many times have you come across strangers sending you porn films without your will, and shook off the disgusting act with yet another burst of laughter followed by blocking the offender?
How many times have you faced eve teasing in form of remarks that are overbrimming with sexual desires and ignored the offenders yet again by perhaps merely explaining to yourself that "ladke toh hotey hi aise hain," or acting undisturbed by the ugliness in the minds of our society?
Moreover, evoking section 354D of the IPC, which says this:
1. Any man who—
i. follows a woman and contacts, or attempts to contact such woman to foster personal interaction repeatedly despite a clear indication of disinterest by such woman;
or ii. monitors the use by a woman of the internet, email or any other form of electronic communication,
It further states that : Whoever commits the offence of stalking shall be punished on first conviction with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three years, and shall also be liable to fine; and be punished on a second or subsequent conviction, with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to five years, and shall also be liable to fine.
But how many times have we turned a blind eyes to offenders who engage in these acts by simply muttering under our breath that "Ye yahaan bhi aa gaya!" and doing nothing more despite the fact that we have the right to evoke the protection of law against this offence.
But now, we take arms, with the guidelines set under the law being our swords, and shields, and spears. But remember, our weapons can be manipulated by people who might make false claims of being a part of our legion. They shall make use of these armaments to wound innocent men, but if we remember that even they are part of the enemy, we will succeed.
This is not a silent, dying revolution any more. If you choose to be a soldier in this fight, you will have to walk beyond the pretence of staying indifferent and undisturbed despite offences that, although deemed minor and natural, are the root of crimes that can shame an entire nation.
And again, if you are a woman whose heart clamours for justice against a perverted and hypocrite society, I urge you to rise and take arms, or even better, lead the way to the battles that shall unfold.
If you are a man, I ask you to come rushing to this battalion, swell the ranks of our fighters, and fight alongside our mothers, sisters, friends, and sweethearts.
If you are an offender, I tell you this: I'll fight with the ferocity of a lion until I've made sure you're buried alive in an abyss infested with fell beasts; and once your cries shall cease to rise above your tombstone, I'll spit upon your grave.
Let's not be silent anymore.
Let's wage a war.
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