Thursday, 1 December 2016


The time Zindagi channel was aired on Indian Television, there were murmurs of excitement as well as hints of suspicion (since the channel was about to televise Pakistani daily soaps. And well it's Pakistan, jingoistic Indians would declare.) However the content that was relayed, the kind of narratives that were exchanged and the quality of acting that was manifested, a majority of populace could not help falling head over heels with the tales from across the border. Considering the cultural similarities between the two nations, the viewers could actually relate to the context and setting and thereby savour the audio visual delicacies.

The two most acclaimed love stories were Humsafar and ZindagiGulzarHai. Be it the dysfunctional romance of Kashaf or the distrust and misgivings of Asher, the viewers were swayed like never before. The key to their hearts was the realistic approach that the producers adopted, a commendable move.

Indian soap operas are preposterous, to say the least. They are intolerable, far removed from anything this worldly, conniving and a complete ruin of one's time. In such circumstances, the web series were something that came into prominence on the virtual screen. YouTube provided a platform to many young writers, actors et al to showcase their talents. And bam! We had a melange of tales ranging across the spectrum of everyday human existence. Some have been criticised for uncouth humour, some for being non inclusive for they primarily focus on urban youth and not the rest of the populace, some face damnation for being a little over the top, slightly impracticable; however they are an advancement over the kind of content on TV that is mind numbing and weary.

Which brings me to the recent web series produced by Dice Media called Little Things. The story of Dhruv and Kavya is about the everyday routine in the life of a couple, their small and genuine adventures, their love for one another, the understanding and compatibility they share, the triumph of love over small scuffles and what not. There might be a Dhruv in one partner who is a lousy glutton however an extremely tender and understanding partner. There might be a creative Kavya in another human who is somewhat indecisive and disconcerted and needs a Dhruv to contain her. Maybe even vice versa. It's about their journey through the phases of life, and their constant support for each other. It's actually about the little things that make a relationship work.

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