Samsung Electronics said today that it will announce the reason for the overheating and fire issues in its Galaxy Note 7 smartphones on Monday, January 23.
The announcement will be live- streamed in Chinese, English and Korean on its websites. Koh Dong-jin, Samsung’s mobile president, will give details of the probe.
The Galaxy Note 7 proved to be a fiasco for the world’s largest smartphone maker. Eventually, Samsung had to recall and discontinue it's distribution after reports of the smartphone overheating and bursting into flames flooded their customer service forums.
Initially, Samsung has revealed that a small error in the manufacturing process for some of the batteries in the phones had been detected.
Earlier, Samsung had even replaced the phones with a new battery but even those phones faced overheating and caught fire. This prompted Samsung to pull the phones away from the market, an action that cost Samsung at least USD 5 billion.
The announcement comes after a South Korean court dismissed yesterday a request by prosecutors to arrest Samsung Vice Chairman Lee Jae-yong.
Lee, the conglomerate’s heir and de facto head, is under investigation for alleged bribery in connection with an influence-peddling scandal that led to the impeachment of President Park Geun-hye.
Report: The Hindu
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