Following the bestiality that went down in Bengaluru on New Year's Eve, celebrated Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar took to Facebook to express his anger and disgust at the incidents that shamed an entire state.
Captioning the video, Mr. Kumar wrote: "The Bangalore incident makes me feel we are evolving backwards, from humans to animals, rather beasts cause even animals are better! Truly shameful!" (sic).
During the course of the video clip, Mr. Kumar goes on to chastise and condemn people who, at times of such incidences, shamelessly justify vile acts like molestation and harassment, piling up the blame of the immoral occurring on the way a woman dresses up, or on the time she chooses to venture outdoors.
Further, the Bollywood star addresses the women of the country, encouraging them to break free of the sense of fear and discouragement that. perhaps, renders them weaker than men. He urges them to identify their true strengths so that they be able to defend themselves against perverted ruffians who, over the years, have engaged in unabashedly targeting, objectifying, and assaulting women.
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